12 Jan 2022 AWP Beneficial Management Practices Support Program now accepting applications.
The 2022 PEI AgriWatershed Partnership Beneficial Management Practices Support Program is accepting application through to February 28, 2022.
Landowners/farmers , do you have an agricultural site near a watercourse or wetland you would like to do runoff control work on? Watershed groups – do you have a site where you have noted runoff from the uplands impacting the watercourse ? The AWP BMP Support program offers funding to install runoff control measures on agricultural sites within 200 metres of a designated watercourse or wetland. Successful projects will have eligible costs rebated at 75% , to a maximum of $30,000.00/project/year. Watershed personnel can approach local landowners/farmers to submit a project, with their endorsement, to address an identified issue runoff issue at this enhanced level of funding. Please contact us at info@peiawp.com or 902-394-7933 if you have any questions.