05 Jan AgriWatershed Partnership Launches BMP Support Program for the 2021 Growing Season
The AgriWatershed Partnership is launching a BMP Support program for the 2021 growing season. The program aims to assist farmers/landowners institute soil conservation best management practices on fields within 200 metres of a designated watercourse or wetland. For approved projects, eligible costs incurred will be rebated at a rate of 75%. Those interested in applying are encouraged to review the program guidelines on the AWP website for a list of activities to be funded under the program.
The AWP BMP Support program will allocate funding on a “priority basis.” rather than the traditional first-come, first-served model. Project proposals will be evaluated and prioritized by their potential to improve the local ecosystem. Project review will be done by the AgriWatershed Partnership Technical Working Group.
One of the BMP Support Program major goals is to foster collaboration between the watershed and farming communities to identify and address specific runoff issues.
Landowners/farmers applying for funding will be required to seek endorsement of the project from their local watershed coordinator. Watershed coordinators wishing to nominate a site for funding will be required to engage the landowner/farmer in the project proposal and obtain their signature on the initial Application Information Form, also downloadable from the AWP Website. Applications will be accepted until 4:00 pm, February 26th, 2021