Update on 2021 AWP BMP Projects

Update on 2021 AWP BMP Projects

At an AgriWatershed Partnership project on the Montague River, the South East Environmental Association are cooperating with local farmers – GWR Farms Ltd. on a project aimed at reducing runoff into the Montague River. When completed, the project will feature a grassed waterway in the field with an energy dissipater at the edge on the woods where the waterway drains to the river. To stabilize the drain in the wooded riparian zone, a series of wattles, constructed in-field using erosion jute mat and straw, are being placed in the channel to slow the discharge down and allow any remaining sediment to come out of suspension before reaching the river. This is a novel way to use wattles and it is hoped that this approach proves to be an effective tool to use to manage unstable concentrated flows in wooded riparian areas.


The field crew of SEA build straw and jute wattles at the edge of the field at the waterway outlet.


A staked wattle in the drain

An AWP BMP project with Power Farms ltd. and promoted by the Pisquid River Enhancement group was completed in early August as well. The project designed and executed by the Soil & Water Conservation staff of the PEI Department of Agriculture & Land features terraces, farmable berms and a grassed waterway outlet to control runoff from a large field located close to the Pisquid River.

A farmable berm and a diversion terrace under construction on the Power Farms project.